My 2nd concert, Guns N’ Roses

On my 16th birthday, my mum took my brother and I to Singapore to see Guns N’ Roses at the Outdoor Stadium. We had early access, which meant we could get right up front. My mum didn’t want to join us there, but her friend, Amber, was right into it.

It was a wicked concert. It went on forever and it felt like they would never stop – which I didn’t mind. Unlike Queen & Adam Lambert, they didn’t wear costumes or have fancy lights, it was more hard-core rock, and Slash was AMAZING.

He never stopped and it was so inspiring to watch him perform, even when you could see the sweat dripping into his crutch. Slash never took a break, he just kept going, and I have to tell you, my admiration for him is even higher after seeing him perform. I want to be a performer just like Slash.

The whole band was awesome. Axel’s voice wasn’t as good as it used to be, but it didn’t take anything away from the experience. I loved it and can’t wait for my next concert, although struggling to convince my parents that they should take me to Japan to see Megadeath. I’ll see them live somehow.

I definitely love live concerts.


Ready to rock
My mum took this photo. I think she has a crush on Slash
Slash and Duff
Very happy campers after the concert

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