Lex Johnson

About Me

Hi, my name is Lex Johnson, I’m 16 years old and I am in year 10 at United World College Thailand (UWCT). This website is part of my personal project, which is a key part of the curriculum.

For my personal project, I decided to do a Website on heavy metal and rock, because I am a passionate guitar player, and the bands on this site are my favorites, especially the guitar players. 

I started playing guitar six years ago, and initially, I wasn’t very enthusiastic about it. Everything changed about 18 months ago when I was watching bands on YouTube (like Green Day) and it just clicked, I wanted to be able to play guitar like them. 

Initially it was more punk and rock that got my attention, but before long, I discovered heavy metal and that was it, I was hooked. From Black Sabbath to Metallica to Motorhead to Panterra, I got lost in the music and I love it to this day.

Something else I really enjoy doing is research. I love to find out about my favourite musicians, their families, their stories and more. Digging into all of the band’s backgrounds has been a really fantastic experience. I got to learn even more about my favourite musicians, as people, as artists, and as successful stars.

Beyond my personal project, I hope to keep building this Website over the years, perhaps I can become both a heavy metal star, and maybe even a journalist or commentator on the genre. If you look through the bands, you’ll notice many of the musicians have multiple talents, and it seems like a key part of being successful is mastering more than just the instrument. 

A picture of my brother Jax and I, when we first started learning guitar. I think this photo was from 2018.

About my family 

I have one brother, Jax Johnson, who goes to the same school as I do. He’s 15 years old and in year nine at school. We love the same heavy music, which is a bit strange because all of our friends only like Rap. We also love to go to concerts together and have had the opportunity to go to Queen & Adam Lambert in Amsterdam, as well as Guns N’ Roses in Singapore. Both of these concerts were in 2022. 

We love to jam together and are recruiting a bass player and a singer to start our own band. 

My dad is Steve Johnson, and he is a geotechnical engineer. He helps American and European companies develop channels to market in the Asia Pacific region, and he is very good at what he does. While an engineer, my dad realized early in his career that his real skill is sales and marketing. My dad likes music, such as Oasis and U2, and I don’t really think he understands why my brother and I love heavy metal, but he still supports us, because we are passionate about it. One thing I love to do with my dad, is watch movies, especially war movies.   

Here I am with the Brian May Special and my mum’s book: Uncommon Courage, an invitation

My mum, Andrea T Edwards CSP, is The Digital Conversationalist and an author of two books, Uncommon Courage, an invitation and 18 Steps to an All-Star LinkedIn Profile. She works with business leaders on how to participate on social media with integrity. She’s also fighting for our future, and I encourage you to follow and support the work she does. My mum really helped me work out how to put this website together, so thanks mum, I appreciate it. 

Here I’m at a guitar shop in Camden, London, UK. I hadn’t picked up a guitar for a month and was so happy to be able to play it. 

This is my favourite guitar, it’s a Gibson Flying V EXP Signature Dave Mustaine.

Thanks for visiting my Website. I hope you’ve enjoyed what you’ve read, listened to or watched. Rock on my friends.
